Sunday, September 30, 2012

No riding today, raining too hard.  Glad I was able to get in 20 miles yesterday, before the front came through. I am concerned that I have enough training time before the century on November 10th. 

In June I attempted a century in Braselton Ga.  A good time was not had by all.  I am sure there were some people who enjoyed that ride, but I was not one of them.  I will say that the ride was fairly well organized, but there were some issues from my point of view.  I had received an email several days before the ride with instructions on how we should register, park, arrive, etc.  This was the first time they told us that it would be a staggered start, based on average speed. I am not really opposed to this, but ride organizers should remember that some of us are trying to have a good time and challenge ourselves, not just knock out a 4 hour century.  Suffice to say I was in the back of the pack!  Also, at this time we were informed that somebody else needed the venue and we would need to be back an hour earlier than previously thought.  This kind of put the pressure on me, not knowing if I would finish in time.  I did start, but suffered some mechanical problems at mile 40, more or less. 

So, taking into account the lessons learned on that ride, I am not going to work on my bike the day before the ride!  I need to fix it, then take several shake down rides for at least a week.  The November ride has a "show and go" start, which I like much better. Also the Claxton ride gives me from 7 am to 5 pm to complete, which I think is do-able for me.  I rode in this ride in 2007 (not a century distance though), so I am familiar with what the topography is like. 

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