Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Some interesting books

Here is a book I am going to download: "Shadow of Tears" an amazing true story!  This sounds like a really great ebook about a guy that takes a solo bike trip from Sweden to Iran.  Should be great reading for anybody that has a Kindle or other ereader.  I personally never go anywhere without my Kindle.  It was one of the best presents my husband ever got me!  There are still sometimes I like to read an actual physical book, but you can't beat the immediate gratification that you get when you can download a book right away!

I am also thinking I will look into some books that will help me in my cycling endeavours. I came across this one, and thought it sounded interesting, so I might give it a try:‘The Essential Guide to Road Bike Cycling: Mind, Body & Budget’. Sounds like it contains lots of good information about the mental side of cycling.

Unfortunately too rainy again today to ride. Tomorrow will be the presidental debates, and I definitely don't want to miss that!

You can click on either of the links above to download and purchase these ebooks as well.

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